Webinar on Software Technologies and Standards: Enabling Interoperability and Innovation


On 2 February 2022, the European Commission presented a new Standardisation Strategy, with the aim to "strengthen the EU's global competitiveness, to enable a resilient, green and digital economy and to enshrine democratic values in technology applications. They help manufacturers ensure the interoperability of products and services, reduce costs, improve safety and foster innovation.” Software technology, digital infrastructure, and cybersecurity are all deeply affected by standards, but awareness of both the utility and the necessity of standards is often lacking in the software community.

A first objective of this webinar is to present practical examples of standards at work in applications ranging from virtual and augmented reality to autonomous mission-critical components. Different types of standards ranging from international norms to telecom technical specifications to open data exchange will be presented and discussed.

A second objective is to raise awareness of programmes and assistance made available to the software community by the European Commission for effective use of standards and participation in the standardisation process.


Ferran Diego from Telefonica presented the CHARITY project activities related to standardization.

Stay tuned and more details

Watch it again here!